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Buying Australian Made

June 9, 2020

Buy Australian Made and support our local and national economies

The merits of buying Australian have long been advocated in Federal Parliament — since Federation in 1901 — and chambers of manufacturers have been championing the cause since way back in the 1930s via publications and press advertisements.

But right now, it’s never been more critical for us all to support our local and national economies.

Australia Flag MapAustralia’s borders are closed and many states and territory borders have travel restrictions because of COVID-19. The impact on the Australian economy is not yet fully understood but without a doubt, there are going to be tough financial times ahead.

Being in our first recession since 1990, we all need to pull together and support each other and buy Australian made wherever possible.

Over the last few months, we’ve detailed how Cytrack software can help businesses meet and exceed the expectations of their customers, staff, and management teams with world-class cloud telephony and remote working solutions.

Australian businesses find themselves in the uniquely advantageous position of having Cytrack, a leading global software developer of telephony apps and omnichannel contact centre solutions (with CRM integrations, Voice Recording, and more), on their doorstep.

Contrary to popular marketing FUD "One size does not fit all" Therefore the value of having a local, flexible and nimble development team available to address your requirements, in your time zone, is priceless! Our specialists will listen to your needs and provide free consultancy services to build your perfect solution.

When you choose Cytrack software you’re buying “Australian Made and Owned”.

Australia Made LogoCytrack is officially registered and licenced as Australian Made and Owned and you can find us on the Australian Made website.

The website lists all of the active and registered Australian Made companies — we’d encourage you to use the site to find whatever it is you’re looking to buy.